Professional Cleaning

Professional cleanings (dental prophylaxis) performed by a dentist or hygienist form the foundation for preventing gum disease, gingivitis and tooth decay. In a professional cleaning, your dentist or hygienist will:

  • Remove plaque: Plaque is a sticky substance that can lead to deposition of calculus and cavities, resulting in tooth decay and gum problems.
  • Remove Calculus: Calculus (tartar) is hardened plaque on the tooth that develops over a period of time in the absence of proper oral care. It can also lead to gum disease if it deposits below the gum line.
  • Remove stains: Dental stains and discoloration are not only caused by extrinsic factors like excessive use of beverages like tea, coffee, wine and tobacco stains from cigarettes, cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco, but intrinsic factors too have a share in tarnishing your lovely teeth and need professional dental help. We ensure that your teeth will become bright, white and healthy after the cleaning session.
  • Polish: Cleaning and polishing of the teeth leave the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so that bacteria are unable to stick to them.


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